
Ferrari is one of the best, fastest and strongest cars ever.


Bo_JasooM said...

Ferrari is one of my best cars ever. it is the best car for millions of people. you could not know the desire of riding a ferrari if you didn't take a ride and tested the engine of ferrari. one day i took a ride with ferrari car. it was a very nice feeling when i drove it. i won't forget that time when i was behind the steering of that car. i would like everyone to write if he took a ride with ferrari and what was his feeling. if he didn't ride this car would he like to ride it?

Desert Fox89 said...

Mohemmed Saleh:

Looks good! You can also add other Cool Cities areas/ problems and the solutions for them.

Keep up the good work!

Desert Fox

You didn't know I can read Arabic!!

Desert Fox89 said...

Doea this car come in a hybrid version??
Look up 'hybrid' cars on Wikipedia!
The Fox

UAE JeWeL said...

Dear bo jasoom,

It's really a nice car. I like it.

Let me drive it when you get it in the future ^_*

My regards,
Jassem Al Ali

Bader Ali said...

farrari , Wooooo i wish if i can dirve one of these :(

thanks bro

Desert Fox89 said...

They are all good and about local concerns about the environment and what is beeing done locally to protect the environment.

CHL 174 for the week 4 - 8 May: We will see (finally) 'Inconvenient Truth' and do the summary to post on your blogsites. The next 30% of your grade will deal primarily with the content of your blog and its quality and effectiveness. REad about 'AD's carbon footprint and we'll discuss this point on Tuesday.

Happy blogging...

the Fox

Desert Fox89 said...


Looks good, now you need to add the Truth summary and review.Plus, you need to work on your 'Carbon Footprint', maybe another post.
The hybrid car section looks good!

See you in class to finish your reading summary.

the Fox

Desert Fox89 said...

Mohammed Saleh:

Very interesting blog - but where's your Inconvenient Truth summary and review?- what about YOUR opinion of the moview??!I'd like to hear what you have to say...
We/You now have to do the carbon footprint blog- plus we start the Cool Cities part on Tuesday- lots to do in 2 weeks!

the Fox

Desert Fox89 said...


You need to post your Inconvenient Truth summary adn review soon, plus your 'Carbon footprint, plus then your 'coolcities' blogpost...

It's up to you how many points you will receive for your blog!

the Fox